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Groups available

In Person


North Canberra 
Adults slow open weekly group: Monday 6.30-8.00pm
Therapist: Anel Grobler 0449 169 626



Tuesdays 8.30 – 10.00am 
Therapist: Vera Auerbach mail@gymealily.org
5pm Tuesdays Group Analytic Psychotherapy Group,
Understanding Yourself 
Face to Face group
Gymea Lily Psychotherapy Centre,  Kirrawee Sydney 02 9545 4772 

8am Tuesdays Group Analytic Psychotherapy Group, 
Understanding Yourself
Face to Face group 
Gymea Lily Psychotherapy Centre, Kirrawee Sydney 02 9545 4772 

 Solo Parenting Psychotherapy group,
starting 2025 - 11am Tuesdays
Face to Face group
Gymea Lily Psychotherapy Centre, Kirrawee Sydney 02 9545 4772 

3 Open in person Mixed adult Groups
Group type: Open, ongoing weekly sessions
Scheduled times:
Tuesdays 10 am
Tuesdays 5:30 PM
Wednesdays 2:30 PM
Co-facilitators: Dr. Christopher Zurawic 02 6693 2112 and Dr. Sierra van Wyk 02 6693 2112
More information here

Young Adult in person Group (19-29)
Group type: Open, ongoing weekly session
Schedule: Tuesdays at 4 pm
Facilitator: Dr. Christopher Zurawic 02 6693 2112
more information here



Weekly: Wednesday 7.30 – 8.30am
Therapists: Pia Hirsch and Peter Hengstberger 0413 747 061



Box Hill
Adolescent group (age 17 – 20): Friday 4.00pm during school terms
Therapist: Rob Gordon

Box Hill
Adolescent group Tuesday 5.45 - 6.45pm
Therapist in training - Anna Greatorex 0423 693 011
Therapist in training - Claire Groves 0432 797 199

Adult group for adults 25+
Thursday 5.30 - 6.45pm
Vacancies available
Therapist: Dr Annie Cantwell-Bartl  0419 875 570

Monday group 7.30-9pm. One space available.
Age range: mid 30’s - late 60’s 
Group Therapist: Maryana Podreka 0498440318

Tuesday group 7.30 -9pm. One space available.
Age range: early 30’s - 50. 
Group Therapists: Catherine Jamieson 0431 315 662 and Maryana Podreka 049844318

Twice weekly: Monday and Wednesday 5.30pm – 6.45pm
Therapist: Paul Coombe 03 9818 7379

Group for adults, Monday 6:15pm to 7:30pm
Therapist in training - Rosemary Nilsson- nilssonr@bigpond.net.au 

East Melbourne
Slow open analytic group for adults
Monday 6.20 – 7.35pm
Therapist: Dr Christine Hill

East Melbourne
Slow open analytic group for young adults (age 20 – early 30s)
Thursday 6.15 – 7.30pm
Therapist: Dr Christine Hill- call or text 0411 556 205
3 places available. 



In person slow open group for Adults 
Thursday 5.15 - 6.45pm 
Therapist: Andrew MacKinnon- a.mackinnon@lifespancentre.com.au 0401 641 481
Information here



Grey Lynn, Auckland
low open group for adults 
Monday 5.45 - 7.15pm
Therapist: Margot Solomon +64 2 199 7570

Slow open group
Tuesday mornings 7.45 - 9.15
Therapists: Penny Woods  pennywoodstherapy@gmail.com and
Sarah Brown Sarah@kewtherapy.co.nz.


 Young adult group
(age 20 – 30): Monday 5.15 – 6.30pm
Therapist: Rob Gordon 

Online analytic group therapy for adults- Vacancies Available
Referrals welcome from Australia and New Zealand
Weekly Tuesdays 5.00 - 6.30pm NZT and NZST
Therapist: Margot Solomon (+6421997570, margotps@mac.com)


Online analytic group for health professionals.
Self referrals welcome, across Australia and internationally.
Held weekly, Thursdays at the following times:
4.30 - 6.00pm AEST (Apr to Sept)  
5.30 - 7.00pm AEDT (Oct)
6.30 - 8.00pm AEDT (Nov to May)
Contact: Prof Michael Fischer +61 452 229 693, michael@fischerconsults.com


Online (via Zoom) Fortnightly
Wednesday at 7:30am - 8:45am (UK Time). Each cohort will be limited to 14 places.
Starting 06 March 2024
Programme Directors:
Professor Michael Fischer, PhD (Lond) Mem.Inst.G.A. PCC FRAI FHEA
Dr Rachel Gibbons, GMC FRCPsych, M.Inst.Psychoanal, Mem.Inst.G.A,
To apply and for more details click here

